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"Model Court of Justice" organized by the UAA Law Club took place on our campus on March 9-10, 2024. 180 students from various high schools in Istanbul took on roles such as prosecutor, lawyer, defendant, victim, witness in case simulations on different topics for 2 days, while 15 professional lawyers who are experts in their fields volunteered as case judges.

The participants, who came together with esteemed lawyers in various committees, had the chance to take part in a realistic court simulations and to meet other students interested in law.

At the General Assembly, our guests, who are judges, retired judges, divorce lawyers and human rights lawyers, answered our participants' questions about the simulations, higher education and career in law.

We would like to thank our Law club Mentor Attn. Seyran Gümüşoğlu for all coordination, our guest lawyers who volunteered to be simulation judges, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zafer İçer, Attn. Elif Görgülü, Judge İnsaf Gündüz, Attn. Esma Aksoy, Attn. Burcu Burcuoğlu and Dr. Çiğdem Çımrın for their valuable contributions, our participants, the organizers of the event, UAA Law Club President Simay Çelik and Vice President Neva Anaç, School Principal and Club Advisor Özgür Akas and everyone who contributed to the event.