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Üsküdar American Academy has been raising successful young people since its establishment in 1876 and believes in the equality of opportunity in education and sees it as a social service mission for successful young people to receive the best education without having financial concerns.

With this approach, Üsküdar American Academy provides scholarship opportunities to successful students in the fields of sports, arts and science.The resources for these scholarships are provided via donations and contributions from SEV.

Types of scholarships vary as does the conditions and rates.


Financial Aid Scholarship

Who is eligible: Students who meet the conditions for enrollment in our high schools but do not have sufficient financial means can benefit from this scholarship.
What are the conditions: Making an application using the link on the schools' own websites during the registration period. Students who will start their preparatory year can apply for a scholarship during their registration.
Period: 1 Year, each year, a new application can be submitted.
Conditions for Renewal:The student's passing all classes, receiving no disciplinary action.
Scope: The amount of scholarship is determined according to the student's personal situation.

Sports, Arts, Science Scholarships

We care about our students' participation in scientific competitions. We provideScience Scholarship to support successful students in these fields. Newly enrolled or currently enrolled students who are researchers can be awarded scholarships at the rates determined in the relevant application year.

Since these scholarships are considered as merit scholarships, the opportunity to benefit from the school's existing Financial Support Scholarship continues. The scholarship provided to the student benefiting from the Financial Support Scholarship can be added to the Science Scholarship to reach 100%.
Both students who will enroll in the preparatory class and intermediate students can apply for this scholarship.

You can follow the scholarship applications on the website of the school you intend to enroll in. For further information, please e-mail to genelmudurluk@sev.org.tr.